Friday, July 17, 2009

Candy Land! Cocoa Butter Soap Bar

Lately I have been wanting to do something a little more fun with my recipes, so I decided to let my imagination take over. I set reason aside and came up with this yummy new concoction. After throwing together some hot pink curls, green and purple cubes and a few dashes of glitter. Voila! ......... Suds delectable new soap was born.

My husband walked by as I was unmolding it and said "Candy Land"! The name was a perfect fit! I've got these babies on the curing rack now and can't wait for them to be ready!


  1. Wow! so cute i love this soap thank you for posting!


  2. Hi,

    I sent you a post on a blog but not sure if you'll receive it.

    On behalf of Mary Orlando of The French Marketplace in Romeo, MI, I am writing to let you know she's been trying to get in touch with you. She would like to acquire more of your soap so that she may sell it at her two locations. It's a good seller and she would like to continue to do business with you. Please give her a call at (586) 242-2102 as soon as possible. Thank you so much.

    Lisa Bobbitt
    Friend of Mary
